City Council

city council

Hines City Council

Position Name Term of Service
Mayor Nikki Morgan 2021-2025
Position 1 Robert Beers 2021-2025
Position 2 Hilda Allison 2021-2025
Position 3 Roger Hodge *2023-2025
Position 4 Dean Brizendine 2023-2027
Position 5 Roxane Worley 2023-2027
Position 6 Misty Shepherd  2023-2027
    *appointed mid-term

The City of Hines Mayor and Councilors serve 4-year terms without compensation and provide general oversight of the city’s operations. Each councilor is assigned to a specific department of the city, but all councilors provide general oversight of all aspects of city functions.

The Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Public notices of special or executive sessions are posted at Hines City Hall, Hines Post Office, Hines Market and City of Hines Facebook page. 

The Hines Common Council serves as the highest authority within the city in deciding issues of public policy. In open public forums, the council passes ordinances, adopts resolutions and generally conducts discussions involving the governance of the community and the welfare of the residents and visitors.

The Hines city government has the mayor/council form of government, in which the legislative and policy-making body is a popularly-elected council. The council hires a chief executive officer to be responsible for the daily supervision of city affairs. The administrator and other city employees participate in the policy development process of municipal services and programs.

The Hines Common Council finds its strength in the cooperative relationship between the citizens, city officials, private sector and other government entities. They recognize the positive impact of working cooperatively, both regionally and within the state, to enhance community livability.

Mayor - Nikki Morgan

Mayor - Nikki Morgan